MyFOX Hurricane iPhone App
Reconnaissance in 2021

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Named Storms

July 2 - July 7
Highest Flight Level Wind: 75 knots
15 Missions

July 5 - July 6
1 Mission

August 11 - August 16
Highest Flight Level Wind: 70 knots
13 Missions

August 14 - August 21
Highest Flight Level Wind: 115 knots
22 Missions

August 19 - August 22
Highest Flight Level Wind: 82 knots
14 Missions

August 27 - August 29
Highest Flight Level Wind: 146 knots
17 Missions

September 5 - September 9
Highest Flight Level Wind: 118 knots
10 Missions

September 12 - September 14
Highest Flight Level Wind: 80 knots
3 Missions

August 28
1 Mission

October 12 - October 13
2 Missions

September 19 - September 21
Highest Flight Level Wind: 58 knots
5 Missions

October 23 - October 25
3 Missions

September 25 - October 2
Highest Flight Level Wind: 152 knots
19 Missions

September 30
Highest Flight Level Wind: 133 knots
1 Mission

August 10 - August 11
Highest Flight Level Wind: 43 knots
1 Mission


June 18 - June 19
2 Missions

June 28
Highest Flight Level Wind: 49 knots
1 Mission

August 10
1 Mission

August 26 - August 27
Highest Flight Level Wind: 47 knots
1 Mission

Suspect Areas

First (AA)
June 17
1 Mission

Second (BB)
July 24 - July 25
Highest Flight Level Wind: 35 knots
2 Missions

Third (DD)
September 12
1 Mission

Fourth (EE)
September 15 - September 16
2 Missions

Fifth (FF)
October 9 - October 10
Highest Flight Level Wind: 40 knots
2 Missions

Non-Tasked Missions

Any mission that has not been tasked by the National Hurricane Center will appear in the archive at the link above. Research missions, including ones that are tropical, and winter missions will appear in this section of the archive.

Reconnaissance Archive Description
Recon data on our site is raw. The raw observations will contain errors at times. The dates above represent the period over which reconnaissance took place, not the duration of the storm. The first date is the date of the first mission and the last date is the date of the last mission. All other observations noted on this archive page come solely from vortex messages, if available. Since this data is more likely to have been reviewed, we use it rather than using any other products on this summary page. It will still sometimes be erroneous. Additionally, our site will not always decode the most significant observations. If that occurs, they will not be reflected here. The highest flight level wind will usually be from the highest flight level wind remark in the remarks section, though it may come from item F, which is where the maximum inbound flight level wind is reported.