MyFOX Hurricane iPhone App

Non-Tasked Data: 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2024

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< Return to the main archive page for the Atlantic in 2024

Date Mission Identifier Agency Aircraft Product(s) Map
Oct. 31st
241030214714304 AF Plane IconAF304 High Density, Dropsonde, Recco Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
Oct. 30th 241030143120308 AF Plane IconAF308 High Density, Dropsonde, Recco Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
Oct. 29th 241029150416309 AF Plane IconAF309 High Density, Dropsonde, Recco Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
Oct. 24th 241024132303308 AF Plane IconAF308 High Density, Dropsonde, Recco Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
Oct. 23rd 241023134355301 AF Plane IconAF301 High Density, Recco Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
Oct. 22nd 241021204718305 AF Plane IconAF305 High Density, Recco Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
Oct. 20th 241020153751304 AF Plane IconAF304 High Density, Dropsonde Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
Oct. 18th 241017214508304 AF Plane IconAF304 High Density, Recco Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
Oct. 17th 241017133917308 AF Plane IconAF308 High Density, Dropsonde, Recco Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
Oct. 15th 241015162001301 AF Plane IconAF301 Dropsonde, Recco Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
Oct. 11th Train NOAA Plane IconN49RF High Density Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
Oct. 11th Train NOAA Plane IconN43RF High Density Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
Oct. 11th Train NOAA Plane IconN42RF High Density Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
Oct. 3rd 241003151825306 AF Plane IconAF306 High Density, Recco Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
Oct. 2nd 241002151021303 AF Plane IconAF303 High Density, Recco Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
Oct. 2nd 241001215413305 AF Plane IconAF305 High Density, Dropsonde, Recco Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
Oct. 1st 241001150647305 AF Plane IconAF305 Recco Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo

Date Mission Identifier Agency Aircraft Product(s) Map
Sep. 27th Train NOAA Plane IconN43RF High Density Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
Sep. 27th Train NOAA Plane IconN42RF High Density Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
Sep. 25th Testxtest NOAA Plane IconN42RF High Density Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
Sep. 20th 240919214610306 AF Plane IconAF306 High Density, Dropsonde, Recco Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
Sep. 19th 240919145539306 AF Plane IconAF306 High Density, Dropsonde, Recco Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
Sep. 18th 240918143816300 AF Plane IconAF300 High Density, Dropsonde, Recco Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
Sep. 17th 240917211432305 AF Plane IconAF305 High Density, Dropsonde, Recco Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
Sep. 17th 240917142635306 AF Plane IconAF306 High Density, Dropsonde, Recco Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
Sep. 12th 240912195142305 AF Plane IconAF305 High Density, Recco Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
Sep. 12th 240912194526302 AF Plane IconAF302 High Density, Recco Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
Sep. 9th 240908205336303 AF Plane IconAF303 High Density, Recco Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
Sep. 7th 240906191437306 AF Plane IconAF306 High Density, Dropsonde, Recco Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
Sep. 6th Train NOAA Plane IconN43RF High Density, Dropsonde Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
Sep. 6th 240905215536301 AF Plane IconAF301 High Density, Dropsonde, Recco Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
Sep. 5th Train NOAA Plane IconN42RF High Density Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
Sep. 5th 240905150210301 AF Plane IconAF301 High Density, Recco Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
Sep. 4th 240904204917306 AF Plane IconAF306 High Density, Recco Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
Sep. 4th 240904154502306 AF Plane IconAF306 High Density, Recco Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo

Date Mission Identifier Agency Aircraft Product(s) Map
Aug. 28th 240828143751308 AF Plane IconAF308 High Density, Recco Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
Aug. 28th 240828143401300 AF Plane IconAF300 High Density, Recco Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
Aug. 27th 240827161825303 AF Plane IconAF303 High Density Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
Aug. 21st Train NOAA Plane IconN49RF High Density Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
Aug. 21st 240821173829300 AF Plane IconAF300 High Density, Recco Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
Aug. 21st 240821154656309 AF Plane IconAF309 High Density, Recco Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
Aug. 21st 240821145958302 AF Plane IconAF302 High Density, Recco Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
Aug. 21st 240821142856301 AF Plane IconAF301 High Density Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
Aug. 18th 240818133447303 AF Plane IconAF303 High Density Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
Aug. 18th 240818132043302 AF Plane IconAF302 High Density Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
Aug. 18th 240818124136301 AF Plane IconAF301 High Density Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
Aug. 16th Ernesto
Miss. #WD
NOAA Plane IconN43RF High Density, Vortex, Dropsonde, Recco Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
Aug. 16th Ernesto
Miss. #WC
NOAA Plane IconN49RF High Density, Dropsonde Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
Aug. 15th Train NOAA Plane IconN42RF High Density Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
Aug. 15th Ernesto
Miss. #WB
NOAA Plane IconN43RF High Density, Vortex, Dropsonde Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
Aug. 15th Ernesto
Miss. #WA
NOAA Plane IconN49RF High Density, Dropsonde Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
Aug. 14th Train NOAA Plane IconN43RF High Density Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
Aug. 13th 240813144552305 AF Plane IconAF305 High Density, Dropsonde, Recco Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
Aug. 11th Train NOAA Plane IconN43RF High Density Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
Aug. 11th Train NOAA Plane IconN42RF High Density Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
Aug. 11th 240811214959301 AF Plane IconAF301 High Density Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
Aug. 11th 240811150519308 AF Plane IconAF308 High Density Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
Aug. 11th 240811142647302 AF Plane IconAF302 High Density, Dropsonde Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
Aug. 11th 240811133707301 AF Plane IconAF301 High Density Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
Aug. 9th Train NOAA Plane IconN49RF High Density Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
Aug. 8th 240808213915302 AF Plane IconAF302 High Density Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
Aug. 8th 240808151445302 AF Plane IconAF302 High Density, Dropsonde, Recco Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
Aug. 5th 240805220101308 AF Plane IconAF308 High Density, Recco Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
Aug. 4th 240804203443307 AF Plane IconAF307 High Density Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
Aug. 3rd 240802202956303 AF Plane IconAF303 High Density, Recco Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
Aug. 2nd Train NOAA Plane IconN42RF High Density Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
Aug. 1st 240801180509302 AF Plane IconAF302 High Density, Dropsonde, Recco Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
Aug. 1st 240801145159302 AF Plane IconAF302 High Density, Dropsonde, Recco Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
Aug. 1st 240801140255301 AF Plane IconAF301 High Density, Dropsonde, Recco Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
Aug. 1st 240801132100309 AF Plane IconAF309 High Density, Dropsonde, Recco Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo

Date Mission Identifier Agency Aircraft Product(s) Map
Jul. 31st 240731141843305 AF Plane IconAF305 High Density, Recco Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
Jul. 30th Train NOAA Plane IconN49RF High Density, Dropsonde Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
Jul. 30th 240730141147301 AF Plane IconAF301 High Density, Recco Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
Jul. 29th 240729145549309 AF Plane IconAF309 High Density, Dropsonde, Recco Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
Jul. 29th 240729142534301 AF Plane IconAF301 High Density, Dropsonde, Recco Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
Jul. 26th 240725215822309 AF Plane IconAF309 High Density, Dropsonde, Recco Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
Jul. 25th 240725151032309 AF Plane IconAF309 High Density, Dropsonde, Recco Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
Jul. 25th 240724220424306 AF Plane IconAF306 High Density, Dropsonde, Recco Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
Jul. 24th 240724142634306 AF Plane IconAF306 High Density, Dropsonde, Recco Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
Jul. 24th 240723211910308 AF Plane IconAF308 High Density, Dropsonde, Recco Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
Jul. 23rd 240723201018309 AF Plane IconAF309 High Density, Recco Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
Jul. 18th 240718150544308 AF Plane IconAF308 High Density, Recco Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
Jul. 17th 240717142701308 AF Plane IconAF308 High Density Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
Jul. 16th 240716213342303 AF Plane IconAF303 High Density, Recco Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
Jul. 16th 240716143845303 AF Plane IconAF303 High Density, Recco Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
Jul. 15th Magpie02
Miss. #WB
NOAA Plane IconN43RF High Density, Dropsonde Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
Jul. 13th Magpie01
Miss. #WA
NOAA Plane IconN43RF High Density, Dropsonde Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
Jul. 12th Train NOAA Plane IconN43RF High Density Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
Jul. 12th 240711214539305 AF Plane IconAF305 High Density, Dropsonde, Recco Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
Jul. 5th 240705140518306 AF Plane IconAF306 High Density, Recco Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
Jul. 5th 240705132941300 AF Plane IconAF300 High Density, Recco Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
Jul. 1st Train NOAA Plane IconN49RF High Density Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo

Date Mission Identifier Agency Aircraft Product(s) Map
Jun. 29th Train NOAA Plane IconN43RF High Density Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
Jun. 29th Train NOAA Plane IconN42RF High Density Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
Jun. 29th 240629140637301 AF Plane IconAF301 High Density, Dropsonde, Recco Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
Jun. 29th 240629132657306 AF Plane IconAF306 High Density, Dropsonde, Recco Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
Jun. 28th 240628143156300 AF Plane IconAF300 High Density, Recco Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
Jun. 27th 240626213741302 AF Plane IconAF302 High Density, Dropsonde, Recco Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
Jun. 26th 240625214503309 AF Plane IconAF309 High Density, Recco Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
Jun. 25th 240625151036309 AF Plane IconAF309 High Density, Dropsonde, Recco Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
Jun. 24th Train NOAA Plane IconN49RF High Density, Dropsonde, Recco Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
Jun. 17th Train NOAA Plane IconN43RF High Density, Dropsonde, Recco Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
Jun. 17th 240617153647300 AF Plane IconAF300 High Density, Dropsonde, Recco Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
Jun. 17th Survey
Miss. #01
AF Plane IconAF302 High Density, Dropsonde, Recco Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
Jun. 15th Train NOAA Plane IconN42RF High Density Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
Jun. 14th Train NOAA Plane IconN42RF High Density Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
Jun. 13th 240613142145307 AF Plane IconAF307 High Density, Recco Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
Jun. 12th Train NOAA Plane IconN49RF High Density, Dropsonde Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
Jun. 12th 240611221305308 AF Plane IconAF308 High Density, Dropsonde, Recco Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
Jun. 11th 240611145745308 AF Plane IconAF308 High Density, Dropsonde, Recco Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
Jun. 10th 240610142918306 AF Plane IconAF306 High Density, Recco Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
Jun. 6th 240605195536309 AF Plane IconAF309 High Density, Recco Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
Jun. 5th 240605142729302 AF Plane IconAF302 High Density, Dropsonde, Recco Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
Jun. 4th Train NOAA Plane IconN42RF High Density Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
Jun. 4th 240604161253303 AF Plane IconAF303 High Density Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
Jun. 4th 240604154323309 AF Plane IconAF309 High Density, Recco Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
Jun. 3rd Train NOAA Plane IconN42RF High Density Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo

Date Mission Identifier Agency Aircraft Product(s) Map
May 31st Train NOAA Plane IconN42RF High Density, Dropsonde, Recco Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
May 30th Train NOAA Plane IconN43RF High Density, Dropsonde, Recco Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
May 30th 240530214529302 AF Plane IconAF302 High Density, Recco Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
May 29th 240529143329309 AF Plane IconAF309 High Density, Dropsonde, Recco Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
May 29th 240528215235300 AF Plane IconAF300 High Density, Dropsonde, Recco Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
May 28th 240528144820300 AF Plane IconAF300 High Density, Dropsonde, Recco Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
May 24th 240523214547309 AF Plane IconAF309 High Density, Dropsonde, Recco Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
May 23rd 240523142241309 AF Plane IconAF309 High Density, Dropsonde Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
May 23rd 240522222900307 AF Plane IconAF307 High Density, Dropsonde, Recco Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
May 22nd Train NOAA Plane IconN43RF High Density, Dropsonde, Recco Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
May 22nd Train NOAA Plane IconN42RF High Density, Dropsonde, Recco Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
May 22nd 240522141941301 AF Plane IconAF301 High Density Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
May 22nd 240521213513308 AF Plane IconAF308 High Density, Recco Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
May 21st Train NOAA Plane IconN42RF High Density, Dropsonde, Recco Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
May 21st 240521220743307 AF Plane IconAF307 High Density, Recco Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
May 21st 240521141725307 AF Plane IconAF307 High Density, Recco Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
May 17th 240516220332307 AF Plane IconAF307 High Density, Dropsonde, Recco Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
May 16th 240516174734308 AF Plane IconAF308 High Density, Recco Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
May 16th 240516145215308 AF Plane IconAF308 High Density, Recco Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
May 16th 240515221535306 AF Plane IconAF306 High Density, Dropsonde, Recco Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
May 15th 240515143915306 AF Plane IconAF306 High Density Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
May 15th 240514215041307 AF Plane IconAF307 High Density, Recco Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
May 14th 240514143548307 AF Plane IconAF307 High Density, Recco Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
May 10th 240509215436306 AF Plane IconAF306 High Density, Dropsonde, Recco Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
May 9th 240509150511306 AF Plane IconAF306 High Density, Dropsonde, Recco Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
May 8th Train NOAA Plane IconN43RF High Density Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
May 7th Train NOAA Plane IconN42RF High Density Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
May 5th Train NOAA Plane IconN42RF High Density Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
May 5th 240505203044302 AF Plane IconAF302 High Density Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
May 5th 240505155106302 AF Plane IconAF302 High Density, Dropsonde Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
May 4th 240503193657302 AF Plane IconAF302 High Density, Recco Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
May 2nd 240502211953306 AF Plane IconAF306 High Density, Recco Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
May 2nd 240502142413306 AF Plane IconAF306 High Density, Recco Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo

Date Mission Identifier Agency Aircraft Product(s) Map
Apr. 25th 240424221222306 AF Plane IconAF306 High Density, Recco Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
Apr. 24th 240424143056306 AF Plane IconAF306 High Density, Dropsonde, Recco Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
Apr. 24th 240423214946309 AF Plane IconAF309 High Density, Dropsonde, Recco Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
Apr. 22nd 240422144035306 AF Plane IconAF306 High Density, Recco Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
Apr. 21st 240421133913300 AF Plane IconAF300 High Density Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
Apr. 18th 240418174200308 AF Plane IconAF308 High Density, Recco Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
Apr. 18th 240418141905306 AF Plane IconAF306 High Density, Dropsonde, Recco Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
Apr. 17th 240417134218300 AF Plane IconAF300 High Density, Recco Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
Apr. 17th 240417133544305 AF Plane IconAF305 High Density, Recco Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
Apr. 15th 240415181113300 AF Plane IconAF300 High Density, Recco Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
Apr. 15th 240415135527308 AF Plane IconAF308 High Density, Recco Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
Apr. 12th 240411213157306 AF Plane IconAF306 High Density, Dropsonde, Recco Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
Apr. 12th 240411213055302 AF Plane IconAF302 High Density, Dropsonde, Recco Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
Apr. 11th 240411154500305 AF Plane IconAF305 High Density, Recco Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
Apr. 10th 240409214800305 AF Plane IconAF305 High Density, Dropsonde, Recco Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
Apr. 9th 240409144834305 AF Plane IconAF305 High Density Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
Apr. 8th 240408205736306 AF Plane IconAF306 High Density, Recco Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
Apr. 8th 240408144137306 AF Plane IconAF306 High Density, Recco Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
Apr. 7th 240407202914305 AF Plane IconAF305 High Density Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
Apr. 7th 240407151721305 AF Plane IconAF305 High Density, Dropsonde Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
Apr. 5th 240405210859305 AF Plane IconAF305 High Density, Dropsonde, Recco Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
Apr. 5th 240404220512307 AF Plane IconAF307 High Density, Dropsonde, Recco Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
Apr. 5th 240404212643306 AF Plane IconAF306 High Density, Dropsonde, Recco Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
Apr. 4th 240404144943307 AF Plane IconAF307 High Density, Dropsonde, Recco Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
Apr. 4th 240403225022301 AF Plane IconAF301 High Density, Recco Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
Apr. 3rd 240403142744301 AF Plane IconAF301 High Density, Recco Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo

Date Mission Identifier Agency Aircraft Product(s) Map
Mar. 29th 240328221025305 AF Plane IconAF305 High Density, Dropsonde, Recco Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
Mar. 28th 240328150519305 AF Plane IconAF305 High Density, Recco Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
Mar. 28th 240327225008308 AF Plane IconAF308 High Density, Dropsonde, Recco Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
Mar. 27th 240326212728305 AF Plane IconAF305 High Density, Dropsonde, Recco Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
Mar. 22nd Train NOAA Plane IconN43RF High Density Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
Mar. 22nd 240321213242300 AF Plane IconAF300 High Density, Recco Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
Mar. 21st Train NOAA Plane IconN43RF High Density Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
Mar. 21st 240321145811306 AF Plane IconAF306 High Density, Recco Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
Mar. 20th Train NOAA Plane IconN43RF High Density Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
Mar. 20th 240320220347308 AF Plane IconAF308 High Density, Recco Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
Mar. 20th 240320144200308 AF Plane IconAF308 High Density, Dropsonde, Recco Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
Mar. 20th 240319221615306 AF Plane IconAF306 High Density, Dropsonde, Recco Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
Mar. 14th 240313220144309 AF Plane IconAF309 High Density, Dropsonde, Recco Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
Mar. 13th 240313142546309 AF Plane IconAF309 High Density, Recco Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
Mar. 13th 240312221150307 AF Plane IconAF307 High Density, Dropsonde, Recco Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
Mar. 9th 240308233320306 AF Plane IconAF306 High Density, Recco Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
Mar. 8th 240308184106306 AF Plane IconAF306 High Density, Recco Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
Mar. 8th 240307225015309 AF Plane IconAF309 High Density, Recco Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
Mar. 7th 240307111014306 AF Plane IconAF306 Dropsonde, Recco Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
Mar. 7th 240306224928309 AF Plane IconAF309 High Density, Dropsonde, Recco Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
Mar. 6th 240305223949309 AF Plane IconAF309 High Density, Dropsonde, Recco Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
Mar. 4th 240304154405301 AF Plane IconAF301 High Density, Recco Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
Mar. 3rd 240303213502307 AF Plane IconAF307 High Density, Dropsonde Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo

Date Mission Identifier Agency Aircraft Product(s) Map
Feb. 29th 240229174119309 AF Plane IconAF309 High Density, Recco Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
Feb. 29th 240229173911305 AF Plane IconAF305 High Density, Recco Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
Feb. 29th 240229162940301 AF Plane IconAF301 High Density, Recco Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
Feb. 28th 240228154253301 AF Plane IconAF301 High Density, Recco Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
Feb. 20th 240220173840309 AF Plane IconAF309 High Density, Recco Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
Feb. 20th 240220155642300 AF Plane IconAF300 High Density, Recco Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
Feb. 15th Train NOAA Plane IconN42RF High Density Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
Feb. 15th 240215170314300 AF Plane IconAF300 High Density, Recco Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
Feb. 14th 240214163747300 AF Plane IconAF300 High Density, Recco Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
Feb. 13th Track64
Miss. #07
AF Plane IconAF309 High Density, Dropsonde, Recco Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
Feb. 8th 240208163013306 AF Plane IconAF306 High Density, Recco Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
Feb. 4th 240204161826309 AF Plane IconAF309 High Density, Dropsonde Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
Feb. 3rd 240202200640309 AF Plane IconAF309 High Density, Recco Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
Feb. 1st 240201171006306 AF Plane IconAF306 High Density, Recco Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo

Date Mission Identifier Agency Aircraft Product(s) Map
Jan. 30th 240130163813301 AF Plane IconAF301 High Density, Dropsonde, Recco Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
Jan. 23rd Track66
Miss. #06
AF Plane IconAF307 High Density, Dropsonde, Recco Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
Jan. 22nd Tracka66
Miss. #05
AF Plane IconAF301 High Density, Recco Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
Jan. 18th Train NOAA Plane IconN42RF High Density Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
Jan. 18th 240118170126307 AF Plane IconAF307 High Density, Recco Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
Jan. 17th 240117172627308 AF Plane IconAF308 High Density, Recco Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
Jan. 15th Iop17
Miss. #08
AF Plane IconAF307 High Density None
Jan. 7th Train NOAA Plane IconN49RF High Density Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
Jan. 7th Track64
Miss. #04
AF Plane IconAF308 High Density, Dropsonde, Recco Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
Jan. 5th 240105164157302 AF Plane IconAF302 High Density, Recco Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
Jan. 3rd 240103163716305 AF Plane IconAF305 High Density, Recco Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo
Jan. 3rd 240103153518306 AF Plane IconAF306 High Density, Recco Non-Tasked Mission in Google Earth Cesium Logo

Non-Tasked Missions Description
This page contains missions that usually have not been tasked by the National Hurricane Center. However, some missions into tropical cyclones do appear here, such as research missions. You will also find winter missions on this page.

All times and dates on this page are in Zulu time.